Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

Is Your Posture Leading to Stress?

Do you slouch because you’re stressed… or are you stressed because you’re slouching?

The answer might make you want to sit up straight right now!

The other day, we came across a study that said not only does your posture affect your physical body (muscles, core, joints, etc)...

It can also affect your mood.

The study, published in the journal Health Psychology, found a significant link between how you sit and your mood, your stress level, and even your self-esteem!

The details?

74 study participants either slouched or sat upright during reading and speech assignments. They were then assessed for their mood, self-esteem, and whether they felt any perceived threats.

The people who sat upright showed higher self-esteem, a better mood, and less fear than the people who slumped.

Unsurprisingly, the “slouchers” showed more negativity and less resilience to stress.

Interesting, right?

It just goes to show you, your small everyday actions — like how you sit — can play a huge role in how you feel not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally!

That’s why our 1 on 1 & 1 to 5 personal training programs focus on moving and exercising in good form so that your body knows what good posture feels like.

The next time you feel yourself slouching, take a second to adjust your posture (and a few relaxing breaths) and see if you feel a difference.

(Hint: you will!)

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

Q: What does BCS Fitness specialize in?

Q: What does BCS Fitness specialize in?

A: We specialize in helping busy adults feel & look their best through customized personal training programs.

No large group classes or boot camps

No generic "one size fits all" workouts

No long and boring sessions that occupy too much of your time.

Customized personal training built around your needs & goals.

Effective and efficient sessions that will have you in and out of the studio in less than 35-40 minutes.

2 locations located centrally to Bryan and College Station or South College Station.

No contract & a fraction of the cost of 1 on 1 personal training with nearly all the benefits!

Use the link in our bio to get started with our annual offer or call/text us at 979-575-7871.

Once you fill out the contact form, one of our coaches will be reaching out shortly to learn more about you and what you want to accomplish with your health + fitness. We can't wait to meet you and show you how much fun getting in shape can be!

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

Your Mindset check up

Mindset checkup time!

Yes, what you eat plays a big role in your health. So does your training and sleep.

But what happens between your ears (your thoughts, focus, and outlook) is also a big part of your overall health.

Positive thoughts and words are linked with lower blood pressure, lower risk for heart disease, a healthier weight, better blood sugar levels, and even a longer life!

Today, take some time to eavesdrop on your thoughts and conversations. Is it time for a positivity upgrade?

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

The Low Bar Strategy

Your fastest way to get (and stay) motivated? Take action. Do the thing ANYWAY.

It doesn’t have to be training every day of the week and following the Whole 30 Diet...

… it can be as simple as making a double batch of veggie stir fry for dinner tonight, so you have a healthy lunch for tomorrow or going for a walk around the block.

SET THE BAR LOW. And take action — ASAP.

Then, do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that.

Notice your motivation starts to creep up. And as you begin to feel more motivated, you can gently raise the bar.

And, importantly, CELEBRATE the fact that you got started, even though you weren’t 100% into it.

One month from now, six months from now, a year from now, “future” you is going to be so thankful that you started TODAY.

If you need some help when it comes to working on your fitness and health, we are here for you.

From setting goals to taking that all-important action, we’ve helped hundreds go from zero motivation and no plan of action to feeling and looking their very best!

Book a call so one of our coaches can help you figure out the best plan for you!


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