Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

The Body Transformation Puzzle

It’s pretty common to think of exercise only as a way to change your body composition (gain muscle, lose fat, lose inches around your waistline, etc.).

Sur... exercise is a powerful tool — one that does SO MUCH MORE than help you get stronger and fitter… it also helps make you healthier!

But the fact is, your workouts are only part of the equation when it comes to changing your body's size and shape.

Here are some other key pieces of the body transformation puzzle:

The foods you eat – What you eat, and how much, plays a huge role in supporting your goals. Opt for whole (vs processed) foods that fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.

Your activity level – Apart from your regular workouts, being more active every day plays a major role. Take the stairs, go for a walk, or do a quick stretch every hour.

Manage stress – Having unmanaged stress can affect your body down to your cells. Find ways to unwind and relax.

Sleep – Yes, sleep can help you by managing your appetite, stress, recovery, and so much more! Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

Together, those components boost your health, energy, and overall wellness.

Do you struggle with one (or more) of those puzzle pieces?

Here’s a little challenge for you:

Choose ONE ACTION on ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE that you can take today...and keep doing it until it becomes a habit. Then, layer on another piece, and another.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to start, let's chat! Just DM us or call/text to 979-575-7871. We are here to guide and support you on your fitness and lifestyle journey.

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

For fitness to needs to accomplish a few things...

For fitness to needs to accomplish a few things...

1. Produce a desirable result.

2. Fit into a busy schedule consistently.

3. Be enjoyable on some level.

Instead of seeking out these qualities, many of us choose going HAM in every area of fitness and nutrition possible...

1. Super strict eating style...think no carbs, no sugar, keto, 8/16 intermittent fasting, etc. (boo)

2. Going from training inconsistently to 5-6 days a week (yikes!)

3. Starting a workout that we don't enjoy because we think the extra intensity of something REALLY hard and physically crushing will be a game changer.

But what often happens is we get hurt, we burn out, we have a set back, or don't see the radical change we feel we deserve for our sacrifice and give up.

If you are wanting to improve the way you look, move, and feel through a smart habit change progression eating model, build an effective training routine that you can sustain that will give you positive results, and enjoy the journey...reach out.

We are here for the person listening who wants to develop a winning mindset, nutrition, and fitness habits once and for all!

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

Giving Yourself a Break

Last week, I had a heart-to-heart with a client who felt like life's hurdles were barricading her path to her goals.

Juggling a high-pressure job, a bustling family life, and new responsibilities caring for her aging parents, she exclaimed, "There's ZERO time left for me!"

Sound familiar?

Here's the thing...She's spot-on! Life’s jam-packed sometimes. That's why my advice to her was: Give yourself a break! Cut yourself some slack...especially if you're the type who's always chasing milestones.

The trick isn't to be consistently "on" or "off" your health & fitness game. It's about doing your absolute BEST in the moment and tweaking your strategy as needed.

Remember, it's your daily habits that construct the lifestyle you want.

Opt for nutritious meals

Grab those opportunities to move—be it a stroll or a quick workout

Carve out 2-3 dedicated workout slots each week—make it non-negotiable!

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep

These small but significant steps don't just upgrade your health; they elevate your life! More energy, less stress, and an invigorating sense of strength and excitement for each day.

Struggling to juggle it all? Maybe it's time to think about getting a coach. A supportive professional can offer accountability, provide big-picture insights, and help tailor a plan that fits your unique life and goals.

So go ahead, cut yourself some slack and focus on what you can control today. Your future self will thank you.

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Brad Tillery Brad Tillery

“Do This, Not That” Fitness Results Cheat Sheet

What if we told you there are 10 easy “cheat codes” that can help you get over the hardest parts of working out? 

And, even better…

What if we told you that nearly half of those “cheat codes” are actually just a few simple mindset shifts?

If you’re showing up, doing the work, and still feeling like you’re way behind on your goals, my NEW “Do This, Not That” Fitness Results Cheat Sheet can help speed things up.

Inside, you’ll find 10 basic swaps that seriously streamline your efforts…

Swaps like:

👉 Taking rest and “easy” days instead of “going hard” 24/7

👉 Or eating high-performance fuel instead of focusing purely on calories…

👉 Or having a well-rounded routine instead of gluing yourself to the treadmill.

Want to see the rest and why they work? Click the link below to view…

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