Want fitness to stick?

For fitness to stick...it needs to accomplish a few things...

1. Produce a desirable result.

2. Fit into a busy schedule consistently.

3. Be enjoyable on some level.

Instead of seeking out these qualities, many of us choose going HAM in every area of fitness and nutrition possible...

1. Super strict eating style...think no carbs, no sugar, keto, 8/16 intermittent fasting, etc. (boo)

2. Going from training inconsistently to 5-6 days a week (yikes!)

3. Starting a workout that we don't enjoy because we think the extra intensity of something REALLY hard and physically crushing will be a game changer.

But what often happens is we get hurt, we burn out, we have a set back, or don't see the radical change we feel we deserve for our sacrifice and give up.

If you are wanting to improve the way you look, move, and feel through a smart habit change progression eating model, build an effective training routine that you can sustain that will give you positive results, and enjoy the journey...reach out.

We are here for the person listening who wants to develop a winning mindset, nutrition, and fitness habits once and for all!




Q: Is exercise necessary for weight loss?


College Station workout after 8am