Starting a Personal Training Program

You've had some time off AND it's almost Fall and it's a great time to refocus on you. Now how do you get back into working out?

The great news is that you can establish a plan TODAY that will encourage you and give you some new hope.

Here is a step-by-step action plan for "getting your groove back" after a week, a month, or a year away from training.

1. Decide on your "WHY."
Why is exercise important to you? What will it accomplish for you? A strong "why" is the kindling to the fire of motivation! Dig deep and write this down first.

2. Set 3 goals each day (that you have full control over)
A sample list of goals you have full control over would include...
---making a meal plan for the day
--go to the gym
--sit your workout clothes out the night before
--drink 90 oz of water
--eat a salad for lunch
--setting your alarm clock to wake up early

3. Cut yourself some slack on expectations
If you've taken any amount of time off you will need to ease back into exercise. Trying to pick things up where you left off can not only leave you feeling very discouraged...but can also expose you to injury.

Give yourself permission to simplify your first few weeks back at the gym in order to build the habit. This is one of the greatest benefits of having a performance coach/personal trainer. A great coach will taper you back into training without exposing you to unnecessary injury and emotional setbacks.

Your mission for today? Find a supportive group of people to journey alongside you. Friends, family members, or a community of people at a gym or studio can be exactly what you need to get going again. If you would like to see if the BCS Fitness community is the perfect place for you please reach out! We'd love to talk to you, get to know you a little bit, and see if becoming a part of the BCS Fitness family is your best next step.


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Are you over 40 or over 50 and have that growing feeling of "tightness"?