Just take the minimum effective dose
January gets a bad rap for being the official month of "NO PAIN, NO GAIN."
We understand. You’re excited about the new year, the new diet you just started, and all the new possibilities...
But keep in mind motivation is like the wind...it comes and goes. Doing too much (at too much intensity) all at once can leave you feeling exhausted and unmotivated.
In our culture, we’re all about GO BIG or GO HOME … NO PAIN/NO GAIN …etc.
Guess what?
That mindset doesn’t work over the long haul. Or maybe ever.
It just leads to feeling burned out, exhausted, and like you have failed (again).
What if instead there was a SMARTER, more EFFICIENT way that yielded a better long-term result?
In a nutshell, that’s doing as little as possible to get the most results.
It’s also the most sustainable way to create REAL CHANGE in your fitness and health!
Here’s a sample of what the least effective dose can look like...
Fewer workouts, focused on what really moves you forward
Shorter, more targeted workouts or fewer AND shorter well-designed training sessions.
Concentrating on the 3-4 healthy habits with the biggest payoffs
Knowing what convenience foods are actually good for you vs trying to make every meal from scratch (how long did you stay on the Whole30 plan ?)
There are SO MANY REASONS and SEASONS to try the “minimum effective dose” method:
When you’re feeling stressed
When you have a lot of responsibilities
When you don’t have a lot of time
When you’re just starting out … or coming back after a layoff
When you’ve just completed a big event (like a marathon)
When you’re coming back after an illness or injury
What exactly the “minimum dose” looks like can depend on a lot of variables – your gender, age, health/fitness status, likes and dislikes, available time, and on and on.
—> The key is...it shouldn’t feel like a burden or a drain … and it should deliver real, measurable results.
Working with a qualified coach can help you find that sweet spot ...so you can still get everything you need done in a day … AND get amazing results in your fitness/wellness.