Have you ever stopped to think about WHY you make the choices you make?

Have you ever stopped to think about WHY you make the choices you make?

Whether you realize it or not, there’s an intention behind every decision.

EXAMPLE: Choosing to make dinner at home vs. hitting the drive-thru, because your intention is to feel healthier and less bloated.


Hitting the drive-thru after you’ve had a bad day, because your unconscious intention is for convenience or even to “numb out” with foods you associate with comfort.

Your intentions set the blueprint for your future because they guide your actions.

Here are 3 steps to align your intentions with your choices:

Reflect: What matters to you — what are your priorities?

Be Specific. Get clear about what you want to achieve, feel, or experience — these are your intentions.

Make Conscious Choices. Do your best to let your intentions guide your choices.

Small steps lead to big changes over time.

When was the last time you revisited your intentions?


Consistency produces better results than sporadic intensity.


There is truth to the saying 'strength in numbers'.